VIP 8 Pack Session

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    VIP 8 Pack Session $3597 USD
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    $3597 USD

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        “Dr Beth has an innate ability to take a problem that's filled with confusion, hurt, and even shame, and make me see it from a completely new perspective I would never have considered. I have seen her do this over and over with me and several other parents. My daughter and I are so grateful to have learned this unique way of facing our issues!
        Problems and miscommunications happen every day, but when it happens with your own child, it raises every red flag there ever was. For me, the issues I've had with my daughter were times filled with confusion and pain, and feelings of shame invariably came into play.
        Dr Beth's unique approach instantly disarmed me and allowed me to see myself with love and compassion for the first time. By doing that, I saw my daughter through a new set of eyes, and as I changed, I saw the changes in her! Dr Beth's work goes beyond any other parenting course I have seen or experienced. My daughter and I are so grateful to have found this tremendous resource.”

        Huda Baak, Mom


        Dr. Beth changed my life! I thought I had it all together, happily married with three wonderful kids, and excited about my consulting practice.  I had no idea how my “inner teen” was messing up my life and my relationships, teeter-tottering between playing doormat and possum!  Now I’m starting to harness the teen’s tremendous power for action and teamwork, and it has already boosted my personal as well as my professional life to a whole new level. The “Inner Teen” is the missing link.  I'm SO looking forward to Dr. Beth’s new program—not only for the content, but also to model Dr. Beth's outstanding integrity, spunk, and sense of humor.  Thank you, Dr. Beth!”

        Dorothee Ledbetter, Consultant